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Build a Go application

Client driver: Go PostgreSQL

The following tutorial shows a small Go application that connects to a YugabyteDB cluster using the Go PostgreSQL driver and performs basic SQL operations. Use the application as a template to get started with YugabyteDB Managed in Go.


Go (tested with version 1.17.6).

Clone the application from GitHub

Clone the sample application to your computer:

git clone && cd yugabyte-simple-go-app

Provide connection parameters

If your cluster is running on YugabyteDB Managed, you need to modify the connection parameters so that the application can establish a connection to the YugabyteDB cluster. (You can skip this step if your cluster is running locally and listening on

To do this:

  1. Open the sample-app.go file.

  2. Set the following configuration parameter constants:

    • host - the host name of your YugabyteDB cluster. For local clusters, use the default ( For YugabyteDB Managed, select your cluster on the Clusters page, and click Settings. The host is displayed under Connection Parameters.
    • port - the port number for the driver to use (the default YugabyteDB YSQL port is 5433).
    • dbName - the name of the database you are connecting to (the default is yugabyte).
    • dbUser and dbPassword - the username and password for the YugabyteDB database. For local clusters, use the defaults (yugabyte and yugabyte). For YugabyteDB Managed, use the credentials in the credentials file you downloaded.
    • sslMode - the SSL mode to use. YugabyteDB Managed requires SSL connections; use verify-full.
    • sslRootCert - the full path to the YugabyteDB Managed cluster CA certificate.
  3. Save the file.

Build and run the application

First, initialize the GO111MODULE variable.

$ export GO111MODULE=auto

Import the Go PostgreSQL driver.

$ go get

Start the application.

$ go run sample-app.go

You should see output similar to the following:

>>>> Successfully connected to YugabyteDB!
>>>> Successfully created table DemoAccount.
>>>> Selecting accounts:
name = Jessica, age = 28, country = USA, balance = 10000
name = John, age = 28, country = Canada, balance = 9000
>>>> Transferred 800 between accounts.
>>>> Selecting accounts:
name = Jessica, age = 28, country = USA, balance = 9200
name = John, age = 28, country = Canada, balance = 9800

You have successfully executed a basic Go application that works with YugabyteDB Managed.

Explore the application logic

Open the sample-app.go file in the yugabyte-simple-go-app folder to review the methods.


The main method establishes a connection with your cluster via the Go PostgreSQL driver.

psqlInfo := fmt.Sprintf("host=%s port=%d user=%s password=%s dbname=%s",
    host, port, dbUser, dbPassword, dbName)

if sslMode != "" {
    psqlInfo += fmt.Sprintf(" sslmode=%s", sslMode)

    if sslRootCert != "" {
        psqlInfo += fmt.Sprintf(" sslrootcert=%s", sslRootCert)

db, err := sql.Open("postgres", psqlInfo)


The createDatabase method uses PostgreSQL-compliant DDL commands to create a sample database.

Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();

stmt := `DROP TABLE IF EXISTS DemoAccount`
_, err := db.Exec(stmt)

stmt = `CREATE TABLE DemoAccount (
                      id int PRIMARY KEY,
                      name varchar,
                      age int,
                      country varchar,
                      balance int)`

_, err = db.Exec(stmt)

stmt = `INSERT INTO DemoAccount VALUES
              (1, 'Jessica', 28, 'USA', 10000),
              (2, 'John', 28, 'Canada', 9000)`

_, err = db.Exec(stmt)


The selectAccounts method queries your distributed data using the SQL SELECT statement.

rows, err := db.Query("SELECT name, age, country, balance FROM DemoAccount")

defer rows.Close()

var name, country string
var age, balance int

for rows.Next() {
    err = rows.Scan(&name, &age, &country, &balance)

    fmt.Printf("name = %s, age = %v, country = %s, balance = %v\n",
        name, age, country, balance)


The transferMoneyBetweenAccounts method updates your data consistently with distributed transactions.

tx, err := db.Begin()

_, err = tx.Exec(`UPDATE DemoAccount SET balance = balance - $1 WHERE name = 'Jessica'`, amount)
if checkIfTxAborted(err) {
_, err = tx.Exec(`UPDATE DemoAccount SET balance = balance + $1 WHERE name = 'John'`, amount)
if checkIfTxAborted(err) {

err = tx.Commit()
if checkIfTxAborted(err) {

Learn more

Go PostgreSQL driver