
YugabyteDB uses a two-server architecture, with YB-TServers managing the data and YB-Masters managing the metadata. However, this can introduce a burden on new users who want to get started right away. To manage YugabyteDB, you can use yugabyted. yugabyted acts as a parent server across the YB-TServer and YB-Masters servers. yugabyted also provides a UI similar to the YugabyteDB Anywhere UI, with a data placement map and metrics dashboard.

The yugabyted executable file is located in the YugabyteDB home's bin directory.

For examples of using yugabyted to deploy single- and multi-node clusters, see Examples.

Production deployments

You can use yugabyted for production deployments (v2.18.4 and later). You can also administer yb-tserver and yb-master directly (refer to Deploy YugabyteDB).

Running on macOS

Running YugabyteDB on macOS requires additional settings. For more information, refer to Running on macOS.


yugabyted [-h] [ <command> ] [ <flags> ]
  • command: command to run
  • flags: one or more flags, separated by spaces.


$ ./bin/yugabyted start

Online help

You can access command-line help for yugabyted by running one of the following examples from the YugabyteDB home:

$ ./bin/yugabyted -h
$ ./bin/yugabyted -help

For help with specific yugabyted commands, run 'yugabyted [ command ] -h'. For example, you can print the command-line help for the yugabyted start command by running the following:

$ ./bin/yugabyted start -h


The following commands are available:


Use the yugabyted start command to start a one-node YugabyteDB cluster for running YSQL and YCQL workloads in your local environment.

Note that to use encryption in transit, OpenSSL must be installed on the nodes.


Usage: yugabyted start [flags]


  • Create a local single-node cluster:

    ./bin/yugabyted start
  • Create a local single-node cluster with encryption in transit and authentication:

    ./bin/yugabyted start --secure
  • Create a single-node locally and join other nodes that are part of the same cluster:

    ./bin/yugabyted start --join=host:port,[host:port]


-h | --help
Print the command-line help and exit.
--advertise_address bind-ip
IP address or local hostname on which yugabyted will listen.
--join master-ip
The IP address of the existing yugabyted server that the new yugabyted server will join, or if the server was restarted, rejoin.
--config config-file
Yugabyted configuration file path. Refer to Advanced flags.
--base_dir base-directory
The directory where yugabyted stores data, configurations, and logs. Must be an absolute path.
--data_dir data-directory
The directory where yugabyted stores data. Must be an absolute path. Can be configured to a directory different from the one where configurations and logs are stored.
--log_dir log-directory
The directory to store yugabyted logs. Must be an absolute path. This flag controls where the logs of the YugabyteDB nodes are stored. By default, logs are written to ~/var/logs.
--background bool
Enable or disable running yugabyted in the background as a daemon. Does not persist on restart. Default: true
--cloud_location cloud-location
Cloud location of the yugabyted node in the format cloudprovider.region.zone. This information is used for multi-zone, multi-region, and multi-cloud deployments of YugabyteDB clusters.

Rack awareness

For on-premises deployments, consider racks as zones to treat them as fault domains.
--fault_tolerance fault_tolerance
Determines the fault tolerance constraint to be applied on the data placement policy of the YugabyteDB cluster. This flag can accept the following values: none, zone, region, cloud.
--ui bool
Enable or disable the webserver UI (available at http://localhost:15433). Default: true
Enable encryption in transit and authentication for the node.
Encryption in transit requires SSL/TLS certificates for each node in the cluster.
  • When starting a local single-node cluster, a certificate is automatically generated for the cluster.
  • When deploying a node in a multi-node cluster, you need to generate the certificate for the node using the --cert generate_server_certs command and copy it to the node before you start the node using the --secure flag, or the node creation will fail.
When authentication is enabled, the default user is yugabyte in YSQL, and cassandra in YCQL. When a cluster is started,yugabyted outputs a message Credentials File is stored at <credentials_file_path.txt> with the credentials file location.
For examples creating secure local multi-node, multi-zone, and multi-region clusters, refer to Examples.

Advanced flags

Advanced flags can be set by using the configuration file in the --config flag. The advanced flags support for the start command is as follows:

--ycql_port ycql-port
The port on which YCQL will run.
--ysql_port ysql-port
The port on which YSQL will run.
--master_rpc_port master-rpc-port
The port on which YB-Master will listen for RPC calls.
--tserver_rpc_port tserver-rpc-port
The port on which YB-TServer will listen for RPC calls.
--master_webserver_port master-webserver-port
The port on which YB-Master webserver will run.
--tserver_webserver_port tserver-webserver-port
The port on which YB-TServer webserver will run.
--webserver_port webserver-port
The port on which main webserver will run.
--callhome bool
Enable or disable the call home feature that sends analytics data to Yugabyte. Default: true.
--master_flags master_flags
Specify extra master flags as a set of key value pairs. Format (key=value,key=value).
--tserver_flags tserver_flags
Specify extra tserver flags as a set of key value pairs. Format (key=value,key=value).
--ysql_enable_auth bool
Enable or disable YSQL authentication. Default: false.
If the YSQL_PASSWORD environment variable exists, then authentication mode is automatically set to true.
--use_cassandra_authentication bool
Enable or disable YCQL authentication. Default: false.
If the YCQL_USER or YCQL_PASSWORD environment variables exist, then authentication mode is automatically set to true.
Note that the corresponding environment variables have higher priority than the command-line flags.
--initial_scripts_dir initial-scripts-dir
The directory from where yugabyted reads initialization scripts.
Script format - YSQL .sql, YCQL .cql.
Initialization scripts are executed in sorted name order.

Deprecated flags

--daemon bool
Enable or disable running yugabyted in the background as a daemon. Does not persist on restart. Use --background instead. Default: true.
--listen bind-ip
The IP address or localhost name to which yugabyted will listen.


Use the yugabyted configure command to do the following:

  • Configure the data placement policy of the cluster.
  • Enable or disable encryption at rest.


Usage: yugabyted configure [command] [flags]


The following subcommands are available for yugabyted configure command:


Use the yugabyted configure data_placement subcommand to set or modify placement policy of the nodes of the deployed cluster.

For example, you would use the following command to create a multi-zone YugabyteDB cluster:

./bin/yugabyted configure data_placement --fault_tolerance=zone

data_placement flags

-h | --help
Print the command-line help and exit.
--fault_tolerance fault-tolerance
Specify the fault tolerance for the cluster. This flag can accept one of the following values: zone, region, cloud. For example, when the flag is set to zone (--fault_tolerance=zone), yugabyted applies zone fault tolerance to the cluster, placing the nodes in three different zones, if available.
--constraint_value data-placement-constraint-value
Specify the data placement for the YugabyteDB cluster. This is an optional flag. The flag takes comma-separated values in the format cloud.region.zone.
--rf replication-factor
Specify the replication factor for the cluster. This is an optional flag which takes a value of 3 or 5.
--config config-file
The path to the configuration file of the yugabyted server.
--data_dir data-directory
The data directory for the yugabyted server.
--base_dir base-directory
The base directory for the yugabyted server.
--log_dir log-directory
The log directory for the yugabyted server.


Use the yugabyted configure encrypt_at_rest subcommand to enable or disable encryption at rest for the deployed cluster.

To use encryption at rest, OpenSSL must be installed on the nodes.

For example, to enable encryption at rest for a deployed YugabyteDB cluster, execute the following:

./bin/yugabyted configure encrypt_at_rest --enable

To disable encryption at rest for a YugabyteDB cluster which has encryption at rest enabled, execute the following:

./bin/yugabyted configure encrypt_at_rest --disable

encrypt_at_rest flags

-h | --help
Print the command-line help and exit.
--disable disable
Disable encryption at rest for the cluster. There is no need to set a value for the flag. Use --enable or --disable flag to toggle encryption features on a YugabyteDB cluster.
--enable enable
Enable encryption at rest for the cluster. There is no need to set a value for the flag. Use --enable or --disable flag to toggle encryption features on a YugabyteDB cluster.
--config config-file
The path to the configuration file of the yugabyted server.
--data_dir data-directory
The data directory for the yugabyted server.
--base_dir base-directory
The base directory for the yugabyted server.
--log_dir log-directory
: The log directory for the yugabyted server.


Use the yugabyted cert command to create TLS/SSL certificates for deploying a secure YugabyteDB cluster.


Usage: yugabyted cert [command] [flags]


The following subcommands are available for the yugabyted cert command:


Use the yugabyted cert generate_server_certs subcommand to generate keys and certificates for the specified hostnames.

For example, to create node server certificates for hostnames,,, execute the following command:

./bin/yugabyted cert generate_server_certs --hostnames=,,


-h | --help
Print the command-line help and exit.
--hostnames hostnames
Hostnames of the nodes to be added in the cluster. Mandatory flag.
--config config-file
The path to the configuration file of the yugabyted server.
--data_dir data-directory
The data directory for the yugabyted server.
--base_dir base-directory
The base directory for the yugabyted server.
--log_dir log-directory
The log directory for the yugabyted server.


Use the yugabyted stop command to stop a YugabyteDB cluster.


Usage: yugabyted stop [flags]


-h | --help
Print the command-line help and exit.
--config config-file
The path to the configuration file of the yugabyted server that needs to be stopped.
--data_dir data-directory
The data directory for the yugabyted server that needs to be stopped.
--base_dir base-directory
The base directory for the yugabyted server that needs to be stopped.
--log_dir log-directory
The log directory for the yugabyted server that needs to be stopped.


Use the yugabyted destroy command to delete a cluster.


Usage: yugabyted destroy [flags]


-h | --help
Print the command-line help and exit.
--config config-file
The path to the configuration file of the yugabyted server that needs to be destroyed.
--data_dir data-directory
The data directory for the yugabyted server that needs to be destroyed.
--base_dir base-directory
The base directory for the yugabyted server that needs to be destroyed.
--log_dir log-directory
The log directory for the yugabyted server that needs to be destroyed.


Use the yugabyted status command to check the status.


Usage: yugabyted status [flags]


-h | --help
Print the command-line help and exit.
--config config-file
The path to the configuration file of the yugabyted server whose status is desired.
--data_dir data-directory
The data directory for the yugabyted server whose status is desired.
--base_dir base-directory
The base directory for the yugabyted server whose status is desired.
--log_dir log-directory
The log directory for the yugabyted server whose status is desired.


Use the yugabyted version command to check the version number.


Usage: yugabyted version [flags]


-h | --help
Print the command-line help and exit.
--config config-file
The path to the configuration file of the yugabyted server whose version is desired.
--data_dir data-directory
The data directory for the yugabyted server whose version is desired.
--base_dir base-directory
The base directory for the yugabyted server whose version is desired.
--log_dir log-directory
The log directory for the yugabyted server whose version is desired.


Use the yugabyted collect_logs command to generate a zipped file with all logs.


Usage: yugabyted collect_logs [flags]


-h | --help
Print the command-line help and exit.
--stdout stdout
Redirect the logs.tar.gz file's content to stdout. For example, docker exec \<container-id\> bin/yugabyted collect_logs --stdout > yugabyted.tar.gz
--config config-file
The path to the configuration file of the yugabyted server whose logs are desired.
--data_dir data-directory
The data directory for the yugabyted server whose logs are desired.
--base_dir base-directory
The base directory for the yugabyted server whose logs are desired.
--log_dir log-directory
The log directory for the yugabyted server whose logs are desired.


Use the yugabyted connect command to connect to the cluster using ysqlsh or ycqlsh.


Usage: yugabyted connect [command] [flags]


The following subcommands are available for the yugabyted connect command:


Use the yugabyted connect ysql subcommand to connect to YugabyteDB with ysqlsh.


Use the yugabyted connect ycql subcommand to connect to YugabyteDB with ycqlsh.


-h | --help
Print the command-line help and exit.
--config config-file
The path to the configuration file of the yugabyted server to connect to.
--data_dir data-directory
The data directory for the yugabyted server to connect to.
--base_dir base-directory
The base directory for the yugabyted server to connect to.
--log_dir log-directory
The log directory for the yugabyted server to connect to.


Use the yugabyted demo command to use the demo Northwind sample dataset with YugabyteDB.


Usage: yugabyted demo [command] [flags]


The following subcommands are available for the yugabyted demo command:


Use the yugabyted demo connect subcommand to load the Northwind sample dataset into a new yb_demo_northwind SQL database, and then open the ysqlsh prompt for the same database.


Use the yuagbyted demo destroy subcommand to shut down the yugabyted single-node cluster and remove data, configuration, and log directories. This subcommand also deletes the yb_demo_northwind database.


-h | --help
Print the help message and exit.
--config config-file
The path to the configuration file of the yugabyted server to connect to or destroy.
--data_dir data-directory
The data directory for the yugabyted server to connect to or destroy.
--base_dir base-directory
The base directory for the yugabyted server to connect to or destroy.
--log_dir log-directory
The log directory for the yugabyted server to connect to or destroy.

Environment variables

In the case of multi-node deployments, all nodes should have similar environment variables.

Changing the values of the environment variables after the first run has no effect.


Set YSQL_PASSWORD to use the cluster in enforced authentication mode.

The following are combinations of environment variables and their uses:


    Update the default yugabyte user's password.


    Update the default yugabyte user's password and create YSQL_DB named DB.


    Create YSQL_USER named user and DB with password YSQL_PASSWORD.


    Create YSQL_USER named user and DB with password YSQL_USER.


    Create YSQL_USER named user with password YSQL_USER and YSQL_DB named DB.


    Create YSQL_DB named DB.


    Create YSQL_USER named user with password YSQL_PASSWORD and YSQL_DB named DB.


Set YCQL_USER or YCQL_PASSWORD to use the cluster in enforced authentication mode.

The following are combinations of environment variables and their uses:


    Update the default cassandra user's password.


    Update the default cassandra user's password and create YCQL_KEYSPACE named keyspace.


    Create YCQL_USER named user and DB with password YCQL_PASSWORD.


    Create YCQL_USER named user and DB with password YCQL_USER.


    Create YCQL_USER named user with password YCQL_USER and YCQL_USER named keyspace.


    Create YCQL_KEYSPACE named keyspace.


    Create YCQL_USER named user with password YCQL_PASSWORD and YCQL_KEYSPACE named keyspace.


To deploy any type of secure cluster (that is, using the --secure flag) or use encryption at rest, OpenSSL must be installed on your machine.

Running on macOS

Port conflicts

macOS Monterey enables AirPlay receiving by default, which listens on port 7000. This conflicts with YugabyteDB and causes yugabyted start to fail. Use the --master_webserver_port flag when you start the cluster to change the default port number, as follows:

./bin/yugabyted start --master_webserver_port=9999

Alternatively, you can disable AirPlay receiving, then start YugabyteDB normally, and then, optionally, re-enable AirPlay receiving.

Loopback addresses

On macOS, every additional node after the first needs a loopback address configured to simulate the use of multiple hosts or nodes. For example, for a three-node cluster, you add two additional addresses as follows:

sudo ifconfig lo0 alias
sudo ifconfig lo0 alias

The loopback addresses do not persist upon rebooting your computer.

Destroy a local cluster

If you are running YugabyteDB on your local computer, you can't run more than one cluster at a time. To set up a new local YugabyteDB cluster using yugabyted, first destroy the currently running cluster.

To destroy a local single-node cluster, use the destroy command as follows:

./bin/yugabyted destroy

To destroy a local multi-node cluster, use the destroy command with the --base_dir flag set to the base directory path of each of the nodes. For example, for a three node cluster, you would execute commands similar to the following:

./bin/yugabyted destroy --base_dir=/tmp/ybd1
./bin/yugabyted destroy --base_dir=/tmp/ybd2
./bin/yugabyted destroy --base_dir=/tmp/ybd3
./bin/yugabyted destroy --base_dir=$HOME/yugabyte-
./bin/yugabyted destroy --base_dir=$HOME/yugabyte-
./bin/yugabyted destroy --base_dir=$HOME/yugabyte-

If the cluster has more than three nodes, execute a destroy --base_dir=<path to directory> command for each additional node until all nodes are destroyed.

Create a single-node cluster

Create a single-node cluster with a given base directory. Note the need to provide a fully-qualified directory path for the base_dir parameter.

./bin/yugabyted start --advertise_address= \

To create secure single-node cluster with encryption in transit and authentication enabled, add the --secure flag as follows:

./bin/yugabyted start --secure --advertise_address= \

When authentication is enabled, the default user and password is yugabyte and yugabyte in YSQL, and cassandra and cassandra in YCQL.

Create certificates for a secure local multi-node cluster

Secure clusters use encryption in transit, which requires SSL/TLS certificates for each node in the cluster. Generate the certificates using the --cert generate_server_certs command and then copy them to the respective node base directories before you create a secure local multi-node cluster.

Create the certificates for SSL and TLS connection:

./bin/yugabyted cert generate_server_certs --hostnames=,,

Certificates are generated in the <HOME>/var/generated_certs/<hostname> directory.

Copy the certificates to the respective node's <base_dir>/certs directory:

cp $HOME/var/generated_certs/* $HOME/yugabyte-
cp $HOME/var/generated_certs/* $HOME/yugabyte-
cp $HOME/var/generated_certs/* $HOME/yugabyte-

Create a local multi-node cluster

To create a cluster with multiple nodes, you first create a single node, and then create additional nodes using the --join flag to add them to the cluster. If a node is restarted, you would also use the --join flag to rejoin the cluster.

To create a secure multi-node cluster, ensure you have generated and copied the certificates for each node.

To create a cluster without encryption and authentication, omit the --secure flag.

To create the cluster, do the following:

  1. Start the first node by running the following command:

    ./bin/yugabyted start --secure --advertise_address= \
        --base_dir=$HOME/yugabyte- \
  2. On macOS, configure loopback addresses for the additional nodes as follows:

    sudo ifconfig lo0 alias
    sudo ifconfig lo0 alias
  3. Add two more nodes to the cluster using the --join flag, as follows:

    ./bin/yugabyted start --secure --advertise_address= \
        --join= \
        --base_dir=$HOME/yugabyte- \
    ./bin/yugabyted start --secure --advertise_address= \
        --join= \
        --base_dir=$HOME/yugabyte- \

Create a multi-zone cluster

To create a secure multi-zone cluster:

  1. Start the first node by running the yugabyted start command, using the --secure flag and passing in the --cloud_location and --fault_tolerance flags to set the node location details, as follows:

    ./bin/yugabyted start --secure --advertise_address=<host-ip> \
        --cloud_location=aws.us-east-1.us-east-1a \
  2. Create certificates for the second and third virtual machine (VM) for SSL and TLS connection, as follows:

    ./bin/yugabyted cert generate_server_certs --hostnames=<IP_of_VM_2>,<IP_of_VM_3>
  3. Manually copy the generated certificates in the first VM to the second and third VM, as follows:

    • Copy the certificates for the second VM from $HOME/var/generated_certs/<IP_of_VM_2> in the first VM to $HOME/var/certs in the second VM.

    • Copy the certificates for the third VM from $HOME/var/generated_certs/<IP_of_VM_3> in first VM to $HOME/var/certs in the third VM.

  4. Start the second and the third node on two separate VMs using the --join flag, as follows:

    ./bin/yugabyted start --secure --advertise_address=<host-ip> \
        --join=<ip-address-first-yugabyted-node> \
        --cloud_location=aws.us-east-1.us-east-1b \
    ./bin/yugabyted start --secure --advertise_address=<host-ip> \
        --join=<ip-address-first-yugabyted-node> \
        --cloud_location=aws.us-east-1.us-east-1c \

To create a multi-zone cluster:

  1. Start the first node by running the yugabyted start command, passing in the --cloud_location and --fault_tolerance flags to set the node location details, as follows:

    ./bin/yugabyted start --advertise_address=<host-ip> \
        --cloud_location=aws.us-east-1.us-east-1a \
  2. Start the second and the third node on two separate VMs using the --join flag, as follows:

    ./bin/yugabyted start --advertise_address=<host-ip> \
        --join=<ip-address-first-yugabyted-node> \
        --cloud_location=aws.us-east-1.us-east-1b \
    ./bin/yugabyted start --advertise_address=<host-ip> \
        --join=<ip-address-first-yugabyted-node> \
        --cloud_location=aws.us-east-1.us-east-1c \

After starting the yugabyted processes on all the nodes, configure the data placement constraint of the cluster as follows:

./bin/yugabyted configure data_placement --fault_tolerance=zone

The preceding command automatically determines the data placement constraint based on the --cloud_location of each node in the cluster. If there are three or more zones available in the cluster, the configure command configures the cluster to survive at least one availability zone failure. Otherwise, it outputs a warning message.

The replication factor of the cluster defaults to 3.

You can set the data placement constraint manually using the --constraint_value flag, which takes the comma-separated value of cloud.region.zone. For example:

./bin/yugabyted configure data_placement --fault_tolerance=zone \
    --constraint_value=aws.us-east-1.us-east-1a,aws.us-east-1.us-east-1b,aws.us-east-1.us-east-1c \

You can set the replication factor of the cluster manually using the --rf flag. For example:

./bin/yugabyted configure data_placement --fault_tolerance=zone \
    --constraint_value=aws.us-east-1.us-east-1a,aws.us-east-1.us-east-1b,aws.us-east-1.us-east-1c \

Create a multi-region cluster

To create a secure multi-region cluster:

  1. Start the first node by running the yugabyted start command, using the --secure flag and passing in the --cloud_location and --fault_tolerance flags to set the node location details, as follows:

    ./bin/yugabyted start --secure --advertise_address=<host-ip> \
        --cloud_location=aws.us-east-1.us-east-1a \
  2. Create certificates for the second and third virtual machine (VM) for SSL and TLS connection, as follows:

    ./bin/yugabyted cert generate_server_certs --hostnames=<IP_of_VM_2>,<IP_of_VM_3>
  3. Manually copy the generated certificates in the first VM to the second and third VM:

    • Copy the certificates for the second VM from $HOME/var/generated_certs/<IP_of_VM_2> in the first VM to $HOME/var/certs in the second VM.
    • Copy the certificates for third VM from $HOME/var/generated_certs/<IP_of_VM_3> in first VM to $HOME/var/certs in the third VM.
  4. Start the second and the third node on two separate VMs using the --join flag, as follows:

    ./bin/yugabyted start --secure --advertise_address=<host-ip> \
        --join=<ip-address-first-yugabyted-node> \
        --cloud_location=aws.us-west-1.us-west-1a \
    ./bin/yugabyted start --secure --advertise_address=<host-ip> \
        --join=<ip-address-first-yugabyted-node> \
        --cloud_location=aws.us-central-1.us-central-1a \

To create a multi-region cluster:

  1. Start the first node by running the yugabyted start command, pass in the --cloud_location and --fault_tolerance flags to set the node location details as follows:

    ./bin/yugabyted start --advertise_address=<host-ip> \
        --cloud_location=aws.us-east-1.us-east-1a \
  2. Start the second and the third node on two separate VMs using the --join flag, as follows:

    ./bin/yugabyted start --advertise_address=<host-ip> \
        --join=<ip-address-first-yugabyted-node> \
        --cloud_location=aws.us-west-1.us-west-1a \
    ./bin/yugabyted start --advertise_address=<host-ip> \
        --join=<ip-address-first-yugabyted-node> \
        --cloud_location=aws.us-central-1.us-central-1a \

After starting the yugabyted processes on all nodes, configure the data placement constraint of the cluster as follows:

./bin/yugabyted configure data_placement --fault_tolerance=region

The preceding command automatically determines the data placement constraint based on the --cloud_location of each node in the cluster. If there are three or more regions available in the cluster, the configure command configures the cluster to survive at least one availability region failure. Otherwise, it outputs a warning message.

The replication factor of the cluster defaults to 3.

You can set the data placement constraint manually using the --constraint_value flag, which takes the comma-separated value of cloud.region.zone. For example:

./bin/yugabyted configure data_placement \
    --fault_tolerance=region \

You can set the replication factor of the cluster manually using the --rf flag. For example:

./bin/yugabyted configure data_placement \
    --fault_tolerance=region \
    --constraint_value=aws.us-east-1.us-east-1a,aws.us-west-1.us-west-1a,aws.us-central-1.us-central-1a \

Create a multi-region cluster in Docker

You can run yugabyted in a Docker container. For more information, see the Quick Start.

The following example shows how to create a multi-region cluster. If the ~/yb_docker_data directory already exists, delete and re-create it.

rm -rf ~/yb_docker_data
mkdir ~/yb_docker_data

docker network create yb-network

docker run -d --name yugabytedb-node1 --net yb-network \
    -p 15433:15433 -p 7001:7000 -p 9001:9000 -p 5433:5433 \
    -v ~/yb_docker_data/node1:/home/yugabyte/yb_data --restart unless-stopped \
    yugabytedb/yugabyte: \
    bin/yugabyted start \
    --base_dir=/home/yugabyte/yb_data --background=false

docker run -d --name yugabytedb-node2 --net yb-network \
    -p 15434:15433 -p 7002:7000 -p 9002:9000 -p 5434:5433 \
    -v ~/yb_docker_data/node2:/home/yugabyte/yb_data --restart unless-stopped \
    yugabytedb/yugabyte: \
    bin/yugabyted start --join=yugabytedb-node1 \
    --base_dir=/home/yugabyte/yb_data --background=false

docker run -d --name yugabytedb-node3 --net yb-network \
    -p 15435:15433 -p 7003:7000 -p 9003:9000 -p 5435:5433 \
    -v ~/yb_docker_data/node3:/home/yugabyte/yb_data --restart unless-stopped \
    yugabytedb/yugabyte: \
    bin/yugabyted start --join=yugabytedb-node1 \
    --base_dir=/home/yugabyte/yb_data --background=false

Enable and disable encryption at rest

To enable encryption at rest in a deployed local cluster, run the following command:

./bin/yugabyted configure encrypt_at_rest \
    --enable \

To enable encryption at rest in a deployed multi-zone or multi-region cluster, run the following command from any VM:

./bin/yugabyted configure encrypt_at_rest --enable

To disable encryption at rest in a local cluster with encryption at rest enabled, run the following command:

./bin/yugabyted configure encrypt_at_rest \
    --disable \

To disable encryption at rest in a multi-zone or multi-region cluster with this type of encryption enabled, run the following command from any VM:

./bin/yugabyted configure encrypt_at_rest --disable

Pass additional flags to YB-TServer

Create a single-node cluster and set additional flags for the YB-TServer process:

./bin/yugabyted start --tserver_flags="pg_yb_session_timeout_ms=1200000,ysql_max_connections=400"

Upgrade a YugabyteDB cluster

To use the latest features of the database and apply the latest security fixes, upgrade your YugabyteDB cluster to the latest release.

Upgrading an existing YugabyteDB cluster that was deployed using yugabyted includes the following steps:

  1. Stop the running YugabyteDB node using the yugabyted stop command.

  2. Start the new yugabyted process by executing the yugabyted start command. Use the previously configured --base_dir when restarting the instance.

Repeat the steps on all the nodes of the cluster, one node at a time.

Upgrade a cluster from single to multi zone

The following steps assume that you have a running YugabyteDB cluster deployed using yugabyted, and have downloaded the update:

  1. Stop the first node by using yugabyted stop command:

    ./bin/yugabyted stop
  2. Start the YugabyteDB node by using yugabyted start command by providing the necessary cloud information as follows:

    ./bin/yugabyted start --advertise_address=<host-ip> \
      --cloud_location=aws.us-east-1.us-east-1a \
  3. Repeat the previous step on all the nodes of the cluster, one node at a time. If you are deploying the cluster on your local computer, specify the base directory for each node using the --base-dir flag.

  4. After starting all nodes, specify the data placement constraint on the cluster using the following command:

    ./bin/yugabyted configure data_placement --fault_tolerance=zone

    To manually specify the data placement constraint, use the following command:

    ./bin/yugabyted configure data_placement \
      --fault_tolerance=zone \
      --constraint_value=aws.us-east-1.us-east-1a,aws.us-east-1.us-east-1b,aws.us-east-1.us-east-1c \